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Participated in CTF events

Overall rating place: 757 with 59.052 pts in 2023

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
189Questcon CTF507.00007.622
533Tenable CTF 2023235.00000.849
659BDSec CTF 202350.00000.095
113AmateursCTF 20234515.00004.430
80Google Capture The Flag 2023799.000011.403
81NahamCon CTF 20237081.000012.598
38TyphoonCon CTF 2023625.00002.336
522n00bzCTF 2023708.00000.858
34justCTF 20231273.000011.229
57San Diego CTF 2023800.00007.634

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