Academic team ESATIC


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this CTF time team is created by 3 people, Modeste Akaffou (Raphael), Damo Eloiflin (HackXiom or damoReduc) and Said Toure (Ts44 or Ingenieur44). This is a beginner team who want to grow and be in the best team of CTF Time. We need some members who want to play with us.

Participated in CTF events

Overall rating place: 603 with 73.680 pts in 2023

Country place: 1

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
240ImaginaryCTF 2023800.00002.000
168zer0pts CTF 2023144.00002.108
40AmateursCTF 202310845.000010.732
285CrewCTF 2023100.00000.147
126Crypto CTF 2023161.00003.890
147UIUCTF 2023551.00005.806
659Google Capture The Flag 202350.00000.787
37NahamCon CTF 202310754.000019.421
101TyphoonCon CTF 202330.00000.190
111SEETF 20231126.00001.655
99n00bzCTF 20235207.00006.247
59HSCTF 107189.000018.254
142justCTF 2023190.00001.817
141DanteCTF 2023766.00002.558
192TJCTF 2023161.00001.323
143BYUCTF 20232827.00002.663
450HeroCTF v5110.00000.260
318m0leCon CTF 2023 Teaser50.00001.105
322UMDCTF 2023438.00000.943

Team members