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The world's oldest CTF team (est. 1865)

Formerly AlbinWiFi

Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
115IrisCTF 20251156.00004.176
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
204vsCTF 20241423.00004.459
45CyberSecurityRumble Quals531.00009.435
50b01lers CTF 20242851.00005.908
163TAMUctf 2024455.00001.706
609Cyber Apocalypse 2024: Hacker Royale6900.00008.275
193DiceCTF 2024 Quals330.00003.383
197Insomni'hack teaser 20244.00000.217
55IrisCTF 20242434.00004.521

Overall rating place: 387 with 109.051 pts in 2023

Country place: 44

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
105TUCTF 2023932.00002.748
84 GlacierCTF 2023580.00002.469
10Square CTF 20231826.000022.197
43HK Cyber Security New Generation CTF Challenge 2023 (Online)2640.000014.006
45BlueHens CTF 20234795.00006.945
53ISITDTU CTF 2023 Quals450.00002.486
52SunshineCTF 20231602.000016.742
262ångstromCTF 2023640.000017.429
101VU CYBERTHON 20231150.00008.997
67pbctf 2023132.00001.776
311HackTM CTF Quals 202350.00000.313
33LA CTF 20239089.000015.032
743DiceCTF 20231.00000.056
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
284X-MAS CTF 202233.00000.159
106InfoSec CTF 2022140.00000.000
25TUCTF 20224843.00009.949
123GlacierCTF 2022150.00000.980
143HITCON CTF 2022214.00003.656

Team members

Team writeups

LA CTF 2023my-chemical-romance [439]read writeup