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Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
395 WolvCTF 2024253.00000.689
612LA CTF 2024717.00000.978
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
205NewportBlakeCTF 2023862.00001.500
852DEADFACE CTF 202310.00000.072
773CSAW CTF Qualification Round 202392.00000.222
841Tenable CTF 2023100.00000.371
205 TFC CTF 2023400.00001.802
678UIUCTF 202350.00000.570
602Google Capture The Flag 202350.00000.801
598n00bzCTF 2023508.00000.620
578BxMCTF 202351.00000.369
394TJCTF 202345.00000.397
501BYUCTF 2023100.00000.131
101DeadSec CTF 2023242.00001.085
310HeroCTF v5298.00000.606
102San Diego CTF 2023500.00004.732
433WaniCTF 2023939.00003.158
681ångstromCTF 2023210.00005.738
308JerseyCTF III605.00000.657
219Rush CTF | Beginner friendly50.00000.000
837LA CTF 2023138.00000.247
257DiceCTF 2023117.00000.905
315idekCTF 2022*408.00000.536
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
134X-MAS CTF 2022376.00001.015
45Hackappatoi CTF '221260.00003.465
259SunshineCTF 2022100.00000.591
142 BlueHens CTF 2022701.00001.135
534Hack The Boo2025.00009.982

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