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Participated in CTF events

Overall rating place: 673 with 51.833 pts in 2022

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
286Damncon 202211.00000.088
69vsCTF 20222314.00004.085
178Hacky Holidays - Unlock the City770.00000.000
132Tenable CTF 20221800.00004.852
237DEF CON CTF Qualifier 202211.00000.652
10hackrocks & HackArmour CTF327.000014.059
126TJCTF 20221442.00003.861
481m0leCon CTF 2022 Teaser50.00000.778
228ångstromCTF 20221001.000012.023
161NahamCon CTF 20223677.00003.702
226b01lers CTF210.00001.854
46DCTF 20221000.00003.751
287PlaidCTF 20221.00000.358
126HackPack CTF 2022300.00002.772
218UMassCTF 2022248.00000.873

Team members

Team writeups

Lexington Informatics Tournament CTF 2022misc/We're no stranger to love [278]read writeup
Lexington Informatics Tournament CTF 2022misc/Rythm's Double Identity [355]read writeup
Lexington Informatics Tournament CTF 2022misc/MURDER MYSTERY [222]read writeup
vsCTF 2022Discord [100]read writeup
vsCTF 2022Sanity Check [100]read writeup
vsCTF 2022Lost Assignment [430]read writeup
vsCTF 2022Portal Savior [459]read writeup
vsCTF 2022Recovery [357]read writeup
vsCTF 2022Roblox 1 [423]read writeup
vsCTF 2022Hexahue Hate! [445]read writeup
Tenable CTF 2022Top Secret [100]read writeup
Tenable CTF 2022Strange Packets [100]read writeup
Tenable CTF 2022Runes of the Ancient [100]read writeup
Tenable CTF 2022Poor Murphy [100]read writeup
Tenable CTF 2022Hackerized [100]read writeup
Tenable CTF 2022Fun with NASL [100]read writeup
Tenable CTF 2022Data Exfil [200]read writeup
Tenable CTF 2022ContinuuOS [100]read writeup
Tenable CTF 2022Characters of Shakespeare's Plays [100]read writeup
Tenable CTF 2022Babby Web 1 [100]read writeup
Tenable CTF 2022A Cube and a Palindrome [100]read writeup