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Participated in CTF events

Overall rating place: 693 with 63.951 pts in 2023

Country place: 6

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
317 TFC CTF 2023250.00001.130
50The Odyssey CTF110.00002.503
132BDSec CTF 20231635.00002.580
44AmateursCTF 20239790.00009.692
36Crypto CTF 2023678.000016.046
290UIUCTF 2023301.00003.158
37Africa battleCTF 2023 prequal3450.00009.213
68BSides Indore CTF 2023595.00002.624
66SEETF 20232245.00003.229
314BCACTF 4.0125.00000.826
108HSCTF 104851.000012.228
130DanteCTF 2023800.00002.679
235Grey Cat The Flag 2023 Qualifiers150.00000.605

Overall rating place: 665 with 52.390 pts in 2022

Country place: 5

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
344CSAW CTF Qualification Round 2022292.00000.835
533Balsn CTF 202250.00000.652
166DiceCTF @ HOPE 20221018.00004.658
217MCH2022 CTF250.00000.000
110BDSec CTF 20221150.00004.479
47Crypto CTF 2022768.00009.425
417vsCTF 2022200.00000.380
84Grey Cat The Flag 2022904.00002.314
286SEETF 2022535.00000.577
424UA CWS CTF 2022100.00000.330
586TJCTF 2022242.00000.657
2295NahamCon CTF 2022250.00000.252
316JerseyCTF II625.00001.390
138 nullcon HackIM 202231.00000.325
219UMassCTF 2022248.00000.873
438Space Heroes 2022400.00000.876
389RITSEC CTF 2022175.00000.599
252LINE CTF 2022101.00000.586
346Wolverine Security Conference/CTF300.00000.614
110OFPPT-CTF Morocco7584.00007.509
338VishwaCTF 20221483.00001.537
201zer0pts CTF 2022139.00001.050
313UTCTF 2025 2022720.00001.354
91DaVinciCTF 20221333.00003.418
1911337UP LIVE CTF590.00001.326
25Pragyan CTF 20222967.00003.465
209UMDCTF 2022726.00001.023
26FooBar CTF 20221811.00006.966
48wtfctf 2022842.00004.749
28TSJ CTF 2022655.00005.406
97MHSCTF 2022665.00000.000
285DiceCTF 2022171.00000.753
221Insomni'hack teaser 20228.00000.149
868Real World CTF 4th32.00000.466
484TetCTF 2022100.00000.378
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
179X-MAS CTF 2021 Second Weekend290.00000.417
193Dragon CTF 202191.00002.875

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