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Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
124HACK'OSINT - CTF1.00000.000

Overall rating place: 846 with 52.460 pts in 2023

Country place: 9

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
151The Cyber Cooperative CTF1200.00003.933
474 GlacierCTF 202360.00000.277
450DownUnderCTF 2023998.00003.985
107CCCamp 2023146.00000.781
60ENOWARS 721867.857133.578
207SEETF 2023393.00000.619
51Security Fest 2023358.00001.588
335TAMUctf 2023387.00001.030
2933Cyber Apocalypse 2023: The Cursed Mission1525.00001.539
167VU CYBERTHON 2023655.00005.130
134Insomni'hack teaser 202359.00000.231
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
154GlacierCTF 2022100.00000.680
219CTF After Dark - Fall 202220.00000.000
304DownUnderCTF 2022 (Online) 961.00001.965
112Hacker's Playground 2022570.00002.806
41ENOWARS 63667.19636.634
607Hacky Holidays - Unlock the City100.00000.000
354Tenable CTF 2022800.00002.144
230SEETF 2022800.00000.841
596ångstromCTF 2022360.00004.331
1837NahamCon CTF 2022350.00000.351
59Decompetition v2.0364.51001.718
570KnightCTF 2022225.00000.779
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
2454Cyber Santa is Coming to Town300.00000.937
245HTB Uni CTF 2021 - Quals300.00000.790
245ASIS CTF Quals 202151.00001.815
891DownUnderCTF 2021 (Online)600.00000.921
96Hacker's Playground 2021360.00001.909
53ENOWARS 56414.07631.957
1838Cyber Apocalypse 2021625.00000.787
981ångstromCTF 202195.00000.737

Team members

Team writeups

SEETF 2023decompile-me [300]read writeup
VU CYBERTHON 2023Based on the analysis of the video file 20221015_173902.mp4... [160]read writeup
VU CYBERTHON 2023What was the Bluetooth MAC Address of the device? [40]read writeup
VU CYBERTHON 2023Find the contact related to Belarus? [55]read writeup
VU CYBERTHON 2023Find the contact related to Russia? [55]read writeup
VU CYBERTHON 2023What is a Username of telegram messenger? [40]read writeup
VU CYBERTHON 2023What is a Name of device user? [30]read writeup
VU CYBERTHON 2023What email address is setup on service? [25]read writeup
VU CYBERTHON 2023What is a name of video file which is related with tanks? [25]read writeup
VU CYBERTHON 2023What is a name of audio file which is related with rifles and... [25]read writeup
VU CYBERTHON 2023What is the SIM card number (ICCID) used on the phone? [20]read writeup
VU CYBERTHON 2023What is the IMEI number of the phone? [20]read writeup
VU CYBERTHON 2023What is the model of phone? [20]read writeup
VU CYBERTHON 2023What is the brand (vendor) of phone? [20]read writeup
VU CYBERTHON 2023What is the name of the largest partition? [10]read writeup
VU CYBERTHON 2023What is SHA1 checksum of image file blk0_mmcblk0.bin? [10]read writeup
VU CYBERTHON 2023Find location [15]read writeup
VU CYBERTHON 2023Authors mistake [10]read writeup
SEETF 2022Regex101 [100]read writeup
SEETF 2022Sniffed Traffic [100]read writeup
SEETF 2022Angry Zeyu2001 [100]read writeup
SEETF 2022wayyang [100]read writeup
SEETF 2022BestSoftware [100]read writeup
SEETF 2022babyree [100]read writeup
ångstromCTF 2022uninspired [100]read writeup
ångstromCTF 2022Number Game [70]read writeup
ångstromCTF 2022baby3 [40]read writeup
ångstromCTF 2022The Flash [40]read writeup
ångstromCTF 2022Shark 2 [70]read writeup
ångstromCTF 2022Shark 1 [70]read writeup
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