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Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
1546NahamCon CTF225.00000.758
198Really Awesome CTF 20203710.00004.907
1702020 Defenit CTF248.00000.471
879HSCTF 7510.00000.760
225Pwn2Win CTF 202050.00000.936
946Hack-A-Sat Qualifiers16.00000.127
258TJCTF 2020475.00003.808
239DEF CON CTF Qualifier 2020200.00002.981
330S㎩mAndFlags Uけimate w呎は屸de C㏊mᒆonship Teaser ꕫꕫ - ㎩㏚i㎄ Edition10.00000.111

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