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Participated in CTF events

PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
468VishwaCTF 2025400.00001.490
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
36CTF Internacional MetaRed 2021 - 5th STAGE921.00000.000
132idekCTF 2021400.00000.769
116VULNCON CTF 202110.00000.254
1637Cyber Santa is Coming to Town600.00001.869
168ISITDTU CTF 2021 Quals10.00000.171
57MetaRed International CTF 2021 - 4th STAGE863.00000.000
255eHaCON CTF 2K2151.00001.329
PlaceEventCTF pointsRating points
189InCTF 2020200.00000.816
1640CTF/TCTF 2020 Quals 71.00001.377
642De1CTF 202027.00000.095

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