Voting ended at: Oct. 6, 2019, 11:30 a.m.
Weight after voting: 33.45 / 37.500
Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.
10 Nexov Maybe CTF is ok - but most of the time server was down or links were dead
26 insomn14 GOOD CTF
38 p4w nice challenges, bad infrastr
7 lupio bad infra, too much time offline and not responsible admins
35 mystiz challenges are cool, but the admins never respond to inquiries...
38 Gimli Really nice ctf with a big variety of challenges. Loved it!
30 lionaneesh Good ctf. Need more variety of challenges.
38 fsociety
38 warlock_rootx Nice ctf
38 sirnef Lot of issues the first 12 hours but stable infra at the end. Sad for not having time to finish complex challenge.
38 maro Thanks despite infra issues
38 theKidOfArcrania bad server infra first day (and delaying it one day), early challs were pretty easy, the good, harder challs released late into game