Voting ended at: Sept. 22, 2019, 8 p.m.
Weight after voting: 59.00 / 64.500
Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.
60 t1016d Great learned from some challenges. Minus 4 for Twitch: looks interesting but actually annoying and unfair.
42 kzalloc Nice ctf
64 andreafioraldi very very good, as usual
45 b3y0nd3r Good challenges, RE were really good.
64 sechopgoblin enjoyed the web challanges
64 meowmeowxw awesome ctf
64 lionaneesh Nice level of challenges. Great admins.
64 KevOrr Great spread of easy to hard
64 blackpearl nice one
64 warlock_rootx nice
55 zup Spent too much time on secure-file-storage due to problems with the design. But it was fun!
64 soulctf Pretty rough start
64 erfur Interesting challenges on the upper end
64 The_Tesla_Boy it was good and very good for the beginner.........../trying to realistic ......enjoyed very much -----lack of english support
64 FeDEX Nice
44 theKidOfArcrania ...(also they gave you leaks in almost everyone of them, even the hard ones :thonk:)
44 theKidOfArcrania RE's were really exciting, but most of the PWNs were really easy, and was really not as tight as it couldve been (also they gave you leaks i
64 sampriti good
64 VoidMercy nice
50 aaditya_purani Same stuff as alfink said+file storage web was badly designed for multiplayers, bot down wasted lot of time.Rest all chals were ok.(-twitch)
64 cts good
55 alfink High-quality challenges; But: patched unintended vuln after it was already solved by other teams; platform issues