Voting ended at: July 12, 2019, 7 p.m.
Weight after voting: 24.75 / 25.0
Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.
25 Hetti Top CTF. FInally a A/D CTF with a IPv6 only Network. Was a good challenge, that also forced us to update some of our tools to work with v6.
25 WGH Nice services (no binaries, though), IPv6 novelty, network was stable. However, flag submit service was unstable (especially at first).
25 vient
25 kcotsneb IPv6 seemed to deter most people, which is a pity. Except for one service, everything seemed to run smoothly
25 kauzu IPv6 only is a freat idea. Fck legacy internet!
25 alfink Fun CTF
25 kunte_ Well planed, very stable. Some services a bit to easy and maybe add a little more binary services, overall really good A/D CTF
25 drivel Good A/D CTF. Impressively stable for a first-time A/D CTF. A few services had too easy exploits (e.g. backdoors).
25 sechopgoblin A Well planned and executed CTF :)
25 lucky_ducky THE BEST CTF IN THE WORLD !!!! I LOVE IPv6
10 kauzu IPv6 only is a freat idea. Fck legacy internet!
25 jonasbb Many great and diverse services. Very fun CTF. Some problems with the checkers and scoreboard, but nothing major.
25 markus Many (10!) interesting and stable services, beginner-friendly. Infra was not so reliable. Much fun.
23 dantt +1
21 dantt +1