Voting ended at: July 7, 2019, 2 a.m.
Weight after voting: 22.08 / 35.070
Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.
35 jimmy5057 Great CTF Challenge
10 kowu bmit a flag / open a challenge. How is this even possible... Also some submitted flags just got lost wtf?
10 kowu Pwn challenges were nice, but had unintended solutions. Scoreboard and Flag submission was EXTREMELY slow, unusable. Had to wait 5mins to su
13 circleous Broken RE challs, used more guessing than needed in RE. Got some nice challs tho, but only a few.
35 hongwei123 Good CTF Challenge!
35 phongnva Challenge CTF great, try to grow better and better, thank for all
35 yakuh1t0 :)
21 circleous Broken RE challs, used more guessing than needed in RE. Got some nice challs tho, but only a few.
25 zeosutt enjoyed very much
25 tzelyk nice ctf
25 pomo_mondreganto nice tasks
25 b3y0nd3r Ignoring server issues and some guessing challenges, the CTF was good.
23 Cap-Size Challenges were good
25 fl3x3dd Chals were ok
10 fl3x3dd Chals were ok
25 streaker_rules nice CTF
20 ci69 Slow server response times didn't help, but there were some good challenges
25 pyon787 good challs
10 juwilie Thanks admins! I've successfully trained my training skills.
1 konata Thanks admins! My boys have successfully trained their skills
25 sergey Challenges were good and interesting. The CTF server was lagy :(
15 michens most of challenges were fine, but interacting with server was a true nightmare
25 vmechytashvili Not counting server issues cool CTF
25 cbmhck3r if i ignore the server issue, great ctf
25 warlock_rootx nice ctf
25 phongnva Challenge CTF great, try to grow better and better, thank for all
25 hongwei123 Good CTF challenge
25 dce nice
25 maro Thanks for the effort and time you put for preparing this CTF ! We enjoyed it ;) Waiting for next edition ;)
18 s0rc3r3r Improper organisatn: Server issues, some guessing challenges, had to reload page so many times, non-guessing challenges were decent/good
10 sces60107 Rev challenges are bad. In Re01, you can't even trust the binary. Because the author didn't use it to encrypt flag
14 Phil9l Thanks admins! I've successfully trained my guessing skills.
17 n00bie Thanks admins! I've successfully trained my bruteforcing skills.
16 1MiKHalyCH1 Thanks admins! I've successfully trained my page-reloading skills.
15 a1exdandy Thanks admins! I've successfully trained my rage-blocking skills.
18 keltecc Thanks admins! I've successfully trained my mind-reading skills.