Voting ended at: May 26, 2019, 9 p.m.
Weight after voting: 21.88 / 45.000
Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.
25 nukeez Challenges were well balanced and there was enough paths so everyone could find something related to his specialty. Biggest on-site CTF I sa
19 PMiND One of the biggest offline ctfs. Good difficulty level and varied challenges.
20 b13bs Largest on-site CTF which offers challenge of diverse tracks: RE, forensics, physical, elaborate trivia, Web, exploit.
25 privat Great competition
20 bluerng Physical challenges, RE, forensics, web, enigmas, all is very elaborate and nothing's easy
25 fob Compared to TAMU & DEFCON Quals '19. Variety of challenges and difficulty levels. Mostly hard.
21 Pourliver Amazing CTF. The challenges were mostly difficult and varied.
21 davidlebr1 Great competition. Most of challenges are difficult.
21 mnadeau The NorthSec CTF is the biggest on-sote CTF in the world. Competition is fierce and there are few to no easy challenges.
20 alxbl Great level of difficulty. Few or no easy challenges. Very competitive.
20 snowscan Awesome CTF event, loved the Windows track and the storyline
21 mbergeron Biggest on-site CTF in the world with many webs. Some tracks are also challenging and different like the physical track, VR and etc.
20 mbergeron 20
22 mnadeau The NorthSec CTF is the biggest on-sote CTF in the world. Competition is fierce and there are few to no easy challenges.
20 thinktanksec lots of web