Voting ended at: April 7, 2019, 3 p.m.
Weight after voting: 32.80 / 40.905
Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.
35 zeosutt Nice CTF. I enjoyed it except for 'warm'.
38 mostwanted002 it was nice
41 Gaspare nice
20 matta was fun
41 yor gege wepe
41 beched заебистый
41 unthinkable это дружба!
41 asterite Zajebisty ctf
40 dc143c Enjoyed it.
25 jnovikov Zajebisty ctf, but difficulty of some tasks is not suitable. To solve antifake 75 you need about hour, to solve crypto 200, you need ten min
20 W0lFreaK Guess the weight
30 W3ndige Not balanced categories, too few pwn challenges.
20 pedroysb Guessing
25 R3x Needs more balance between categories. And too few challenges for 48 hours.
30 aching antifake is the fire under me
30 Mem2019 too few pwn challenges, but reversing is good
25 zavinator good crypto tasks, hard reversing, average web (not a fan of guessing the shop), nonsensical antifake tasks
41 pomo_mondreganto Great tasks & orgs
40 fsfs very nice ctf