Voting ended at: Sept. 23, 2018, 4 a.m.
Weight after voting: 9.00 / 25.380
Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.
5 icchy unbalanced scoring and no irc support as always, also please consider for confliction with other events
6 Riatre A lot of challenges are guessy, pointless or both. Also random point assignment (manually recovering a QR code: 100, run strings on exe: 300
6 Riatre A lot of challenges are guessy, pointless or both. Also random point assignment (manually recovering a QR code: 100 pts, run strings on exe:
15 Pharisaeus Random category and points assignment, very uneven tasks, no way to contact organizers, no irc. Still there were some decent challenges.
1 Lays You really need to redesign your challenges...
10 p4p1lio_1337133713371337 some challenges illogical, some challenges guessable, and some challenges were good!
10 p4p1lio_1337133713371337 some challenges not logicable, some challenges guessable, and some challenges were good!