Voting ended at: May 21, 2018, midnight
Weight after voting: 57.39 / 100.0
Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.
70 Riatre There were some really good challenges but also too much proof of work (both literal and mental).
84 jack2 Not bad
100 uafio I only worked on a couple of pwns and I liked all of them. Great job :clap:
100 JinBlack It was great.
100 0xbb See my post: If shit CTFs are 60 then this DEF Con is 100+ @ctftime please make the rating blind?
40 hama some challenges is good but there were guessing challenges...
60 awe Some great tasks, but also too much guessing and PoW
50 Redford Mixed feelings, more pain than fun. See my post on the CTF page (
50 N4NU OOO should have opened BkP CTF instead of Guessing CTF
50 Lays -50 for guessing
35 shiki7 Some challenges were fun and challenging, but the others required guessing & brute-forcing obviously violates your "philosophy" thing.
50 david942j half of challenges need guessing
40 Staubfinger For next year: Dont release challenges if you already know they‘re shit. Saves lots of kittens out there. Other than that: Creative Challs.
40 niklasb Weird mix between really good and hilariously guessy challenges
52 vient nice
100 giosch Great challenges, very rewarding
100 Fish Great CTF with challenging challs and awesome organization. Love it. DEFCON is not for losers. If you are a coward, don’t play.
10 _2can Never before have I worked on so many State-of-the-art, Intellectually Rewarding Challenges. Clearly a solid 10 out of 10.
65 l4w_io some good some bad
100 F20z3m It's very hard and cool challenge.
60 ddaa too many guessing challenges
68 daniellimws Awesome ctf. Displays the quality of what a defcon ctf quals should have, while still giving beginners a chance to do something.
100 zoolander Probably the best Defcon qualifier ever held
30 Pharisaeus Lack of variety and some really tedious/stupid/guessy challenges. Very disappointing. There are far better CTFs than this.