Voting ended at: April 7, 2018, 10 p.m.
Weight after voting: 22.35 / 25.0
Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.
25 ragulbalaji a
20 1m_Z3r0 A well organised ctf
20 1m_Z3r0 A well organised ctf
18 neocode123 the challenges are good
20 G0ldenC1ue It's great event, the challenge is difficult enough.
20 h1lleohood good ctf
19 CHS_211 Nice challenges!
19 boxer Reversing and pwning challenges were good. Crypto challenges were below par.
25 plagu3 The challenges were pretty good.
20 gr3ycha0s7 Good CTF with a unique set of reversing challenges.
18 guardianAng1 decent set of challenges
9 PUT_ctf__player Pretty fair, but the difficulty level wasn't too high
25 F20z3m Cool ! (y)
25 SnakeTomahawk Nice!
25 DeathKan Good
25 k4k4 Good ctf
20 Mujahid_ Awesome Challange
20 shishirjindal .
20 lolblat Good ctf, but only 1 web :(
25 Killua Nice ctf. Some original tasks
15 noraj only 1 web
25 SIben Amusing CTF
25 R3x The RE and Pwn challenges were pretty good. Lack of web challenges must be fixed next time. CTF was fun
20 steakkini Some challenges were somewhat bothersome because you had the flags right in front of you but couldn't quite read them due to e.g. alignment
25 numinit Great theme. Flat 500 points for most chals seemed mostly fair.
5 Mujahid_ great
22 gkrishna Except for web, all the other challenges were worth the points.
25 0xC0DE i think funny
25 hgarrereyn fun challenges, good uptime
25 D4m0n good
25 momopranto Pretty fun CTF
25 Gaspare nice ctf!
25 xrust cool
16 gkrishna Web challenge was too trivial, organisation of the ctf was pretty neat and the rest of the challenges were fairly easy.
25 r0hack все чотко
25 gageex First CTF personally and loads of fun! Challenges seemed diverse enough, might be cool to have more Web stuff.
19 s0rc3r3r Guessing/Bad crypto challs except "enter the dungeons". Dynamic formula was kinda broken. Well organised.
25 yvng_sinner Great CTF very responsive admins!
25 sandelan good ctf
17 sudhackar meh
24 shiki7 good ctf
10 chung96vn Fun CTF
25 FADEC0D3 Fun CTF!
25 pyon787 nice challs
25 SnakeTomahawk Nice CTF!
25 adrianoribeiro Very nice
25 stankc Good tasks!
25 ch33b Cool!
25 umutoztunc Nice one
25 Hypersonic Fun CTF. The point scaling not working(?) was frustrating, though.
25 Syngard Great CTF
25 WricketyRick Some great creative and innovative ideas, loved it!
25 tr0gd0r Very creative!
25 naveenselvan Good one
25 sinkmanu Good tasks for all levels.
25 crayontheft good ctf
15 furkan
18 [deleted user]
25 noproto Kudos!
25 eybisi nice theme and interesting challenges,
25 xenias best misc ever
25 catpawn Nice CTF
25 HorseEgg Very enjoyable and well organised
25 int3rfac3id3ntity :)
25 int3rfac3id3ntity very enjoyable, most challenges difficult/very.
25 _offw0rld_ :)
25 WhiteBearVN_ Nice CTF!
25 cmaixen Fun challenges and theme
25 fsociety
25 Alphagens Good
5 maro
25 adi19982010
25 KosBeg very fun tasks! :D
24 caesurus Very enjoyable. Good challenges, good server uptime.
20 ZetaTwo Good challenges.