Voting ended at: May 8, 2017, midnight
Weight after voting: 72.53 / 99.300
Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.
99 GH0st3rs Very cool!!!
90 mkulakov Maybe it is not the best ctf in this year but it's DEFCON!
15 mage web chal was very funny
99 hama good CTF
74 nomeaning Awesome CTF!
99 alissonb Really great CTF! Even solving just a few challenges, I've learned a lot.
85 FADEC0D3 Fun CTF with lots of interesting pwnables!
20 icernica Low variety!
99 Fish Just another awesome and high-quality CTF. And, nice amount of web ;)
25 uafio I swear if I see one more VM or emulator, I will burn your datacenters.
99 0xd13a Tough challenges. Slanted to pwn/re, but maybe that's DEF CON's thing...
99 NGG insanity insanity insanity insanity insanity insanity insanity insane cat flag
85 alostuckop when everything is secretly a pwn.. otherwise great CTF
99 andrew_ Tough CTF, everything was a pwnable
99 patrickhulin Awesome challenges
99 plonk nice amount of web
40 meh Past challenges, low variety, exhausting binaries
56 meshx Good CTF. Only pwn an Reverse.
95 timpwn great ctf with interesting problems, albeit very binary heavy
50 lerdsuwa Wish several kind of challenges are opened mixed together instead of pwn stuff on the first day, crackme/reverse engineer on the second.
13 david942j Many other ctfs much better than this one. There're nice challenges indeed but never worth 99 points.
15 david942j Stupid vulnerabilities, old challenges, one script can solve all crackme. Very disappointed this year
99 dapolinario Insane
99 vient damn good ctf, a lot of sweet RE
25 Matir Great challenges
25 int10h great problems, good range of difficulty, and we encountered zero technical glitches. also good ratio of pwnables/re to other.
25 plonk nice amount of web
25 vient damn good ctf, a lot of sweet RE