Voting ends at: March 30, 2025, 9 p.m.
Current weight: 48.33 / 51.210
Voting is available from the event start and a week after the finish.
Please, sign in to vote for event weight.
51 bluegirlredboy so tricky and good at made people ovtk
47 lloydik Balanced
51 Hoon2308 Had lots of fun in this ctf
45 Ishayu pretty nice challenges in rev
51 Pixel_DiZi Its was very intense and interesting
30 zenCipher good challs
51 KibethTheWalker Really enjoyed this CTF. The forensics challenge were great and the puzzle challenges were well constructed.
51 vanced nice
45 vanced good challenges :)
50 s0um3l good challenges :)
51 InferiorAK Naish
51 SteakEnthusiast sike this ctf is fire
1 SteakEnthusiast No non USA prizes = bad ctf
51 Endless_Failure Best one so far
51 suvoni Great CTF, nice challs with wide variety of topics and difficulty. I really liked the puzzles and hashing series. Will play next year!
51 suchblue Nice and balanced CTF
51 Juke nice ctf, soem challenges were hard
51 sy1vi3 meow :3