Voting ended at: March 12, 2025, 10:29 a.m.

Weight after voting: 36.00 / 41.850

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


41 Roarshach Great CTF!

41 SHAOCHI_LU good ctf, also this is the foruth time i played in VishwaCTF

31 sam_sal Awesome

31 sam_sal Awesome

29 Abijith01 Very good questions.

35 sreehari1011 Good one

20 MikiMiku OSINT and Steg are very guessy, No Pwn

41 K4RTH1K Nice

41 dpsore cool

34 colinedric04 Good event W RE challenges

41 karma.skz Bad but idk


15 so_farf_near

41 4j1 good

41 4j1 good challs

30 phantom_fury Good, I'd hope their were less exhausting challs :)

30 sh4d0w121 Too many steg and osint (very guessy )... more forensics and pwn challenges pls

31 sravan_krishna was good

41 h3ll0_fr1end5 Good chall

41 R4wR1ght0n_UIT Gud

41 Hampus good

30 0xdadb0d Need to add pwning and should reduce the number of steg and osint chals

25 Cook1e Needs better quality challenges. Too many steganography. A lot of guesswork.

30 Ishayu Mid , last year was better

29 g1u770.n Fine ig

41 anhshidou good