Voting ends at: March 7, 2025, 6:30 a.m.
Current weight: 20.03 / 25.0
Voting is available from the event start and a week after the finish.
Please, sign in to vote for event weight.
25 blackpeach 我们的战队持续招新,欢迎各位pwn、逆向、取证等选手加入
25 tmq quiet guesy
25 b4shu206 best ctf changeele
25 amal_ritessh was good
25 Zex cool
23 PythonicVarun Some question were of good level.
20 Alakinnn Good ctf
1 nikost Poor challenges
25 madaghaxx Nice
25 madaghaxx Nice
25 0xZ3r00n3 good CTF
25 oscuridad1010 nice ctf
21 ziru Nice chall
25 h3ll0_fr1end5 nicee
25 5h1kh4r nice ctff
13 h3ll0_fr1end5 niceeee
25 rahisec Standard chall, Nice Ctf
25 InferiorAK naish
2 mikev Bad CTF
25 Glutton-S Good challenges
25 theg1239 it was fun
25 7331 somewhat guessy challs and very less time for writeups. also admins seemed very cocky.
25 TrendoD Nice ctf
19 Camillus very cool
25 ant1v3n0m good CTF for beginners
25 lvert cool
25 kuvee nc
24 B34RN00B Very Very nice support and Nice challenges
25 saadbukhari Nice CTF. Amazing Challenges