Voting ended at: Feb. 16, 2025, noon
Weight after voting: 26.12 / 32.715
Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.
32 izouss Good ctf, some challs are kinda guessy
29 proximuz good ctf, slightly guessy though
1 crucifixit guessing ctf and very boring tasks
1 Aplet123 guess god ctf
16 olewales Guessy challenges needing hints/erratas. A few needed fix during event. CTF infrastructure was unstable. But to be honest: it was fun
32 n1mphosec remove the guessiness next time
1 iactuallythinkitscrazy guessy ctf, hate insanity challs
18 lvert Guessy forensics replaced last year's DFIR. pwn and crypto not up to the mark either. Rev was ok. Guessy CTF, more so than 2024 ?
21 Wixter07 Good. Nice admins. Loved mishap
32 C15C01337 fun
32 subzcuber I enjoyed most of the challenges I attempted. Got to learn new stuff
22 subzcuber I enjoyed most of the challenges I attempted. Got to learn new stuff
15 Qu1ck5h0t Great CTF, very fun and there were some good problems but some challenges do get guessy and vague. At least one problem had incorrect info.
15 Qu1ck5h0t Great CTF, very fun and there were some good problems but some challenges do get guessy and vague. At least one problem had incorrect info.
1 d33tah Too guessy and frustrating. Also, unstable and challenges kept being changed.
30 zeptoide it was fun, nice admins, but remove the guessiness next time
20 lepnoxic challenges got updated a lot, even 10 mins before end.
1 lepnoxic Too many guessy and stego challs, challenges got updated a lot, even 10 mins before end. Doesn't deserve 25+
31 hhaschwalth hmm
31 hhaschwalth hmm
32 0x31763074 great CTF
32 kerszi1 That was very good, almost cool and but good game.
32 Juke good ctf and hard challenges
32 TheLeopard65 Great-CTF
32 Zysssalone Big appreciation to the organizing team for this CTF! The challenges were engaging, and we had a great time competing.
32 Anonimbus Really fun and engaging CTF
32 adigen Absolutely insane insanity check
30 k0p3ck Really fun ctf
30 suchblue Great CTF
25 Zysssalone Big appreciation to the organizing team for this CTF! The challenges were engaging, and we had a great time competing.
32 7331 insanity check had me going insane tho