Voting ended at: Oct. 31, 2024, 9 p.m.
Weight after voting: 24.77 / 25.0
Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.
25 smh01 good
25 L0n3_W0lf Nice and standard Challs
22 th1k4n decent ctf, but the scoring of the ctf don't really reflect the hardness of the questions, the difficulty is low.
25 Suji19 This is the second comment.
25 Suji19 The challenges were nice and we enjoyed the whole ctf .
25 K4RTH1K Goy
25 0xcafebabe well, it had some fresh approach to good-old types of challenges but rest were guessy
25 adarsh great ctf
25 5h1kh4r Very good ctf
25 Xylecrack it was good test of our cybersec skills
25 ponyopoppo good
25 kerszi1 Ctf finished ahead of time. Didn't match ctftime, but interesting tasks for beginners.
25 DanteVeil .
25 xtasyyy Good CTF, nice challs.
25 L30 Good CTF
25 L0n3_W0lf Good and interesting CTF
25 MrGhost Good CTF
25 tdeit ez
25 Abu_ ez challenges but gotta get them points.
25 Hoon2308 It was a difficult event but a fun one