Voting ends at: Oct. 4, 2024, 11:30 a.m.

Current weight: 24.21 / 25.0

Voting is available from the event start and a week after the finish.

Please, sign in to vote for event weight.


25 yemae good

25 Omer. good

25 N0R37urn good

14 Asur_99 Nicee

25 xtasyyy Good event, organizers were really good.

25 bharatctfs Good CTF and gained good exposure for 1st external ctf

25 1v0t nice challs , thanks

25 0utL4w nice except some challenge

25 5h1kh4r Really nice CTF! Good work orgs.

25 Sum1ngs need to be like this

25 threde_nolan a nice experience

25 jawahar good CTF

25 zacian It was good.

25 Juke Very goof ctf and nice challenges!

25 Zukane Great set of challenges

25 Krut27 .

24 Krut27 It was fun!

25 tommy-kay Good CTF.

25 qt_cb_ht It was a nice experience

25 bot@2004 nice variety of challenges.

25 sanjay_saga it is a nice ctf

25 Phoenix_king Challenging and Standard ctf

25 Haemowaek The ctf was awesome and the organizers were so active and helpful throughout the whole event.....HACKS OFF.....

25 L0n3_W0lf Hard and Nice challs

25 L30 It was a great event

25 htet nice

6 an0nbil pretty easy! except some OSINT and crypto challenges!