Voting ended at: Sept. 21, 2024, 3 p.m.

Weight after voting: 16.77 / 25.0

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


25 thxStuck ok

16 pinchinium +-

8 s1mv1k ucucuga easy osint

1 zpix bad as expected

25 2947144602 hard

1 chiuki Задания для детей под соусом профессионалов

3 Lnevx ты заставлял меня сосать

15 4pc 50/50

20 kikspace nice

20 sikoslike Е, в моих куплетах нет воды — меня ненавидят в Африке (Nah) Плакал, когда купил себе Bape, ведь я полдетства провёл в обезьяннике (Горилла)

25 Morzan6 гойда

25 phylasso lk

18 u6g3n7 Зеркала на веб завезли за час до конца :)

12 ExxRyan Lots of problems in infrastructure, laggy web tasks, ucucuga easy osint

1 D00Movenok хуета

10 Ekelen Имхо, ивент не оч Имхо, ивент не оч

3 Ekelen Имхо, ивент не оч

25 2947144602 hard

25 z0lm4n nice tasks

12 FrakenboK infrastructure problems, a lot of raw tasks without an idea

15 ClashRoyaleKing оценка по уровню бинарных тасков

25 thxStuck Невероятно крутой стф

25 artesk Great CTF

25 term1nal Осинт - попаболь)) Жаль стеги не было, что бы прям горело)))

25 megaumka sooo excited

25 Demonical The event was overall good, but there were several minor troubles with the infrastructure. Hope to see it all patched by next year!

20 cr4wly Very fun and interesting event. I liked the tasks.

25 AdmAlexus Periodically fails infrastructure. Good tasks

15 Gurren Infra - good. Tasks medium dificult but interest.

18 mdxxmd70 4/5 Sometimes the infrastructure was lagging, but this is not very critical. The main part of the event is of normal quality.

12 Re-An1mat0r Good tasks, some problems with Web task

25 varnokk I hope that next year you will fix the problems with the infrastructure

18 maximxls Mediocre (some very guessy) tasks, terrible crypto, mediocre infra.

25 y73n0k а меня мани не меняло это я их поменял

1 LeKSuS Unoriginal and boring tasks, which require lots of guessing to be solved + very laggy and unstable infrastructure

4 defeatedkitten Не самый удачный ивент, нестабильная инфра, плохая платформа, плохие таски. Но вполне отзывчивые организаторы. ?

19 S4ar Infra falls, tasks without interesting ideas, many uzuzuga

25 EnterGodMode so-so

20 wannebetheshy Tasks from different fields of cybersecurity. Tasks were interesting and hard but solvable, but difficult metrics weren't equal in cases.