Voting ended at: Nov. 23, 2024, 3 p.m.

Weight after voting: 23.92 / 25.0

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


25 0x0101 gg

25 Midnight. HARD but 9/10 would try again

20 vjz3r gg

25 MMOX some of the DF challenges were too good

25 moh0009 good ctf examples

25 gr007 Free palestine

25 Cyber_Infinity good

25 mspolimetla .

25 rubiya .

25 H03ZHVN good

25 enkule .

20 sn0_0wyy Great chals W CTF overall

25 X3N4_11 Challenges were hard

20 Kenoor Really great challenges, kinda hard but quite interessting. We learned a lot.

25 Nektow the most of easy chall were like medium/hard on HTB, pretty hard ctf

22 zeptoide great CTF, really fun challenges! just avoid releasing hints after a challenge has solves :)

20 sayoneri really good

20 sayoneri really good

25 F1r3Wulf Quite the challenging CTF! Very interesting Challs!

25 subfear Yaya! We could earn some points! This one was not beginner friendly, and osint tasks were weirdly designed.

25 dfoo great ctf!

25 kacprzewski HARD ;c

25 JurekOgorek Easy machines were like medium/hard on HTB boxes and hard kinda insane scoring for me

25 zenczix l

25 mspolimetla very hard ctf and good

25 hyperr I enjoyed the web challenges

25 0x0WL good CTF with good difficulty distribution

25 warlocksmurf Fun and challenging forensic challenges

25 papichulo Very fun and challenging.

25 Tzion Awesome challenges

18 AzmiJO Love the challenges

25 ap3nst0r loved the challenges. very unique indeed.

25 abdoghazy One of the most enjoyable CTFs Shoutout for all authors

24 AvAl4nch good CTF with good difficulty distribution

25 ozrs2 good CTF

25 Sum1ngs good

25 AvAl4nch a really high quality challenges

25 SolarDebris Good ctf with a good difficulty range of challenges, music pwn and windows pwn were really cool