Voting ended at: Sept. 8, 2024, 4 p.m.
Weight after voting: 24.83 / 25.0
Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.
25 akiidjk nice
25 LamentXU good
25 pr0d1gy Well done. Fun challenges. Just had to fix the server issues at the beginning
23 Or4c13 nice challs
25 augusto nice challs
25 MoaiMan Fun Challenges, shame the infra was wack
25 cybercena it was very good and beautiful experience
25 cybercena it was very good and beautiful experience
25 ShellUnease Fun web challenges
25 Wixter07 Great CTF
25 snk4evr Nice bun challenges
25 snk4evr Nice bun challenges
25 dr3sden good ctf, beginner friendly as well
24 DeiSpa Very nice CTF
25 wonderchild Good web challenges!
25 vinax Cool ctf
25 siddheshwaje123 Nice CTF
25 mukel Really liked the beginner category, enjoyed the diversity
25 9j4mmynumb3r1 Great learning experience in CTF event for the beginner
25 SteakEnthusiast Fun CTF with some tough challenges. Excited for next year!
25 Tit@n Excellent ctf
25 reun10nctf good stuff. learned heaps. jail category is awesome. web is cool. forensic is great
25 crazyman jail is nice
25 vipin fun ig
25 vipin fun ig
25 ruhptura great
25 tavor great variety of challenges
25 rvr Nice ctf
24 ppp45 overall great CTF (despite some infrastructure issues at the beginning)
25 grzechuG3 good staff
25 budorr cool challs and good support
25 thrumbos ok
25 0x31763074 great challs !
25 nnxstnt nice one
25 Lazarus247 Well-prepared CTF with a wide range of task difficulties.
24 zeptoide apart from infra issues and some guessy challenges, other challenges were pretty nice, and many categories which was fun
25 JohnDoers best
25 4rUN nice challs
25 NoobMaster9999 Awesome CTF! The admin responses were super quick :)
25 CygnusX-26 only downside was minor infra issues at the start
25 Evix Nice CTF, great idea to have 3 waves of challenges.
25 N0R37urn nice challs
25 kerszi1 More than 60 great challenges-beginners,hard.The points dropped to 50:(.Infrastructure didn't work(1h),but recommend it(diff:30-40weight)
22 tr4c3datr4il Need better infra management next year. Forensics category is fine, still need to be improved.
25 [deleted user] Nice challenges
25 Juke Site was down most of the time, but the challenges were good
25 Cook1e good challs but i would suggest longer time if releasing this many challenges.
25 adarsh ggeat
25 P3RPL3X nice challs
25 idkhidden fire
25 zBlxst Nice CTF
25 salvatore.abello Nice web & jail challs
25 gilcu3 nice crypto challenges!
25 magicfrank nice
25 mfornet Beginners problems were nice! I specially enjoyed competitive programming like challenges (quantum and rin).
25 LamentXU good
24 vympel7 Very nice challenges.
25 P5yDuck good
25 2947144602 g00d
25 null_byte_ Pretty good challenges
25 heavydirtysoul awesome
25 stefanin nice challenges with ranging difficulty from beginner to insane. infra issues were not over the top
1 zeptoide apart from infra issues and some guessy challenges, other challenges were pretty nice, and many categories which was fun
25 ddumwamu good event
25 vjz3r nice
25 xtasyyy Nice event
25 Yjc Good