Voting ended at: July 20, 2024, 4:30 p.m.

Weight after voting: 23.20 / 25.0

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


24 K9t quite ez in forensic, but some kinda sussy

23 K9t quite ez in forensic, but some kinda sussy

25 k4m154m4 nice

25 P3RPL3X fun ctf

25 P3RPL3X fun ctf

24 Juke very good ctf. i wish i had more time

21 dplastico I would like to have the pwn challenges being release earlier :)

25 TheEyeLid guessy af

21 vtz guessy but also not bad

25 davidcsy nice

25 D4RK_10RD good ctf

25 D4RK_10RD good ctf

25 Halston nice

15 abignold Has brute forcing without sufficient data.

25 JudahGoldstein Good event, nice difficulty for a beginner audience.

20 tomekw Not bad but a little bit chaotic and guessy

25 lecassette good educational CTF, some of the tasks were rather blind guess, please don’t do coordinates that are inaccurate

25 mr.padla Cool

25 mr.padla Cool

25 An0nyR0y Good CTF, but some challenges were guessy

25 water009 very good

25 Irsheidat good

20 underzero Good challenge for beginners

25 nishanth2308 Nice CTF

20 ret Good CTF, but somewhat guessy

13 MrGhost Good CTF

25 sab0ten good beginner ctf.

25 LamentXU nice ctf, but with a lot of guessy chal

25 wongyos good

25 jubi good ctf

25 anangappara Good CTF!

25 lecassette good educational CTF, some of the tasks were rather blind guess, please don’t do coordinates that inaccurate

25 g4b0_ great challenges

25 snip3rgg good one good one

25 kvasilek good ctf

25 Jacob-Holmes Fun experience

25 Mstr0A Yes

25 thxStuck good ctf

25 5u1tan good ctf

23 bugajj Nice ctf, but some challenges are too guessy + not working infra was tilting

25 Halston a

25 TheEyeLid nice ctf but some challenges are too guessy

25 RagRocks Great ctf

25 0x31763074 very nice challs

23 jawahar-b good


25 jpalayoor awesome CTF with good challenges, but abit guessy but quite fun

10 BeaCox Canary one: pie on server intended? no just no pie with different offset. just admit that

25 aly1xbot good ctf

22 personjs what the hell was canary

25 Rin_l0v0l Nice one, but fewer digits after the decimal point please

25 salmaadwan4

25 salmaadwan4

25 Tom_Riddle

25 CUDACUDA Good ctf

25 zainaaborumman

25 7usban I was great competiation

20 moeridoe Great challenges for beginners, only the infra needs a little upgrade

24 JudahGoldstein Some infra issues, the Minecraft stuff was dumb, but other than that a fine event.

20 rudrakshacker Less time for amount of challenges given

25 mbukuzdulu Cool fun, nice CTF. Different levels. Only Infra could be a little more better, but I'm sure that it will be in the future. Great work!

25 N0R37urn excellent challs

25 Kaptan Good challs for beginners and mids. Thanks.

25 InferiorAK naish

25 Sak1 Good ctf

25 m3ch4n1k Good challs, but very Minecraft ones were awful

23 Elenkar Adapted to beginners. Some infra troubles but support was ok. From a general point of view, not so bad for a first event.

25 ftps3rver cool

19 Ov3rHack3r Nice level management

25 Krut27 Nice CTF

25 dak5h beginner friendly

25 4j1 Good and challenging ctf

25 Kr4k3n beginner friendly I guess, didnt tryhard this

25 recreation fun ctf, could have better planning

25 rhizobium Really nice crypto chals

25 734P07 good

25 Wixter07 ohyeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

25 Abu_ Badmos

25 H1GH_N00N_TW1TCH Nice ctf

25 Yjc Quite fun

11 fenlya Some nice challs, some too guessy, and could be organized better

7 zBlxst Bad organisation

25 N0_Sp3c14l_Ch4r meh

25 0xdadb0d Fun and enjoyable, beginner friendly

23 enigmeow Good one

25 ckc9759 Good ctf

25 fyrepaw13 yes

24 qlashx good

10 reun10nctf good for beginners. some quite guessy though. overall, it was fun and some of us learned something new

25 Holl0w good ctf

25 jonbrong1 Nice

25 Metadev good one