Voting ended at: Sept. 15, 2024, 4 p.m.

Weight after voting: 16.47 / 32.700

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


32 tommy_kay I'm giving you the full weight because there are already too many very harsh weights. You know what to fix. Peace.

21 lepnoxic Stupid aah challenges

32 rewhile Good chance to learn beginner pwn

32 wonderchild Enjoyed the challenges.

5 daffainfo Guessy

6 ChattyPlatinumCool Please playtest your challenges. Unacceptable steg in web. Many guessy challenges. `Literally 1984` uhh??? `Charlies Angels` was fun though.

1 Babafaba

10 Yakisoba CBC is bad when your ping becomes a critical factor in solving the challenge, if a crypto challenge require hours to run, it is bad

1 quasar0147 a) A quals should not be speedrun to max, b) crypto should not be a pop quiz, c) guessy forensics

15 dplastico ok

1 jaydens

1 KyleForkBomb lots of issues with challenge deploys, overall low quality challenges, qualification was a stego race

20 stefanin Mixed feelings. Challenges were guessy, had either 200+ solves or < 20, dozens of teams with equal score, no challenge waves, admin issues.

1 WhiteHoodHacker Somehow keeps making guessy forens. No hard challs == many maxed teams. Other nitpick: forcing team name format instead of CTFd brackets

1 VinhPham2106 (almost) no real crypto chall this year

1 tillvit SIXTY WATAH

1 CygnusX-26 WASS MY NAMBA?

1 hmmm guesy steg in web (bucketwars), osint in foren (raw), guess the params steg that decides who quals (echo), infra/admin issues, etc

1 lamchcl idk how they pull this off but they somehow get worse every year

32 Yjc Overall good

4 lukewarmdaisies The skill requirement for the more fun challenges was relatively low, so to try to qualify for finals the most time was spent on unfun stego

1 Surg I wanted to like this year, but fast maxout with guessy stego as qualifying chals led to a bad experience

32 obmium Some challenges were good, but others were poorly made, like the steganography on web. Overall, it was good.

32 0x31763074 enjoy the reversing challs

32 N0R37urn good challs

4 ohk990102 Too many steg on challenges (even on web chal)