Voting ended at: May 5, 2024, 8 p.m.
Weight after voting: 25.00 / 25.0
Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.
25 azan121468 great CTF
25 dieryy nice ctf
25 oscuridad1010 Good challenges
25 Tit@n Good challenges but increase n.o of instances next time
25 espyerx Great Platform stability , good challenges and Overall good support
25 [deleted user] nice one
25 ckc9759 nice
25 wolf4n6 Great challenging event, with good Platform support, GG
25 ssaadakhtarr Great event, nice challenges and amazing support!
25 L4ksh Amazing
25 4rUN Nice ctf
25 cybercypher Great stuff
25 Krut27 Nice challenges
25 ollahalaha great ctf
25 Unknown_Guy Great expreience
25 Abu_ Bummed that exams came up :(
25 bugra many challenges, great challenges. gg!