Voting ended at: May 19, 2024, 11:59 p.m.

Weight after voting: 22.18 / 37.005

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


12 rozie infra issues, additional software required to access challs, poor difficulty curve. also see Legoclones comment

37 v1k1nghawk Thanks for the event! (P.S. Add more OSINT challs as it was in San Diego CTF 2022)

37 Rin_l0v0l Nice event, fun tasks, raccoons are top, organizers are best

37 CUDACUDA An interesting competition. Special thanks to the organizers for understanding

9 mrcogito91 Poor infrastructure (couldn't even start on schedule, VMs crashing), mismatched categories (web more like reverse). Maybe next year

20 CygnusX-26 legoclones comment, but enjoyed every other part

32 zeptoide good challenges, terrible infrastructure

37 flocto by that i mean like we shouldnt vote higher than that unless the quality improves but since its 24 rn i vote max

37 flocto deserves a rating in like the 40/50's

37 larrypir2 good ctf orz enscribe

25 sahuang pwns seem great. major infra issue at start; very poor forensics and some misc/rev are below quality. could def do better as 4th edition

18 nightxade mostly agree with what is said in legoclones's comment.

1 ByteBrew was not a big fan of the chall infrastructure or rev challs

16 Legoclones See my comment on main page - Some good challenges but lots of overall issues.