Voting ended at: June 30, 2024, 6 p.m.
Weight after voting: 97.17 / 100.0
Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.
96 kerszi1 It's too hard. No sanity. Crypto has been added to almost all tasks!!! After hours POW was added to some tasks (no fair).
100 adragos deserves 100
75 Omer. Super hard and not beginner friendly
100 nothoudaifa cool ctf.
100 ckc9759 Nice !
100 jimmyl02 great :)
100 Noamister Hard, really good!
100 kunte_ Really good challenges!
100 gilcu3 it was a great event, quite difficult but nice
70 Chessmaster too hard, not beginner friendly, partly unstable challenges
100 aaalviny fun and challenging
100 hhhkb Hard. A LOT OF math and crypto
100 notbowen challenging af
100 anonfaded Nothing can be more hard than this one lol
100 iamabhi747 challenges are crafted very well. one of the grate ctf in the world
95 tonik It was a really tough CTF, but also fun. The challenges were creative