Voting ended at: March 23, 2024, 11 p.m.

Weight after voting: 21.25 / 25.0

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


25 12throckyou good organization!

25 AbdelH2O Interesting format and good organization

15 NineTailedFox Really impossible to comeback if you start to fix vulnerabilities one hour after the start

15 S4ar weak vulns, lagging checkers, a stupid system in which you cant comeback

15 FrakenboK very strange checkers and too lazy bugs

25 m0nrass organization was excellent

25 ContronThePanda very good ctf, surprisingly well organized for canadians

25 Abends2 the level of the organization is at the highest level

25 c99 infra + services were good, too many canadians tho