Voting ended at: March 24, 2024, 11 p.m.

Weight after voting: 47.25 / 52.875

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


48 small оK )!

48 Noamister Joined 20h late; Still really enjoyed it :)

52 Tacoquito cool stuff, but a little be hard to be 35 of weight

52 Cyb0rgSw0rd Amazingly executed - great work to the admin team

52 overllama Honestly an amazing ctf. Good beginner category, fun crypto, some harder challs that were fun

52 Kegure Nice ctf

46 Nun0f3xk1 Very interesting and challenging CTF

52 CoinK0in good ctf

52 [deleted user] nice ctf

52 STUNNx Great CTF, got to learn lot of new stuff.

52 0utL4w Nice ctf

3 0utL4w Nice ctf

52 TheMaverick Tuff

52 havel29 cool ctf

40 fenlya Good CTF, creative challenges, the beginner challenges were really helpful!

41 HIGHer good job

52 x00byte Pretty cool challenges

20 _yajog_ Beginner category where live hints and helps are allowed.

50 0xKalki Good ctf, forensics challenges were good too, they had new beginners level challenges (for helping the beginners) I loved that idea.

25 Kr4k3n good but some challenges were bad. Forensics is not strings, shredded of reversing was supposed to be beginner, username was little web...

52 medrupaloscil Nice to have dedicated beginner challenges

52 RezaSi Some interesting challenges

48 b0ru Great CTF

52 y12uN cool CTF with lots of interesting challenges.

52 y12uN cool CTF with lots of interesting challenges.

52 daLeGa Awesome CTF with some tricky challenges!

50 rozie good infra, nice challs, dedicated beginner section

52 yqroo Learn lit

40 _g0at_ good

52 nightxade Awesome CTF!

52 hollo._ Good

52 ckc9759 Great !

45 sahuang nice one

52 crazyman hardly reverse ......

52 daffainfo Good chall, especially the postgres one

50 0x157 Awesome CTF, challenges were well put together.

50 suvoni Really nice CTF!! The challs were very well-made and educational

52 securisec some interesting challs

45 raltheo .

50 Hauntlight Perfect for beginner and with some tricky challs for experts. Maybe to improve infrastructure, but nice job!

30 LighTender nice CTF

52 SHAOCHI_LU Good ctf

34 sn0ja :)

45 RJCyber Some guessy challenges, but rest were good.

40 jyjh it was ok

52 itoid Fun CTF