Voting ended at: April 8, 2024, midnight
Weight after voting: 28.55 / 29.250
Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.
29 KristinnVikarJ ggs
29 mixy1 yes
29 c99 The worst ctf I've ever played. Thanks for hosting, very enjoyable.
29 AmonRa Truly one of the CTFs of all time
29 audrey the (harder) rev was actually very good. cursed indeed
29 TheMaverick cursed!!
29 G4ND4LF101 pay2win + so cursed that now i need to pay an exorcist to remove the curse + tf is rev?
20 ivanelgran pay2win
20 ivanelgran pay2win
29 nullableVoidPtr cursed challs, cursed solves <3
29 JJJollyjim w
29 AVDestroyer CTF has started.
29 arcblroth cur sed
29 toasterpwn Oops
29 fbad truly a deepfried & cursed ctf, thx for making it a unique experience, but could tone it down a BIT with the osint >:(
29 fbad c?urse?d ct?f, little too much o?sint but fun ove?rall, thx for making it a uni?que experien?ce
29 Scoop bad ctf, only osint and bad admins :(, just here for the points
29 Scootzh The most cursed CTF you'll ever find.
29 mza7a good CTF, fun and cursed challenges, worthy of the name cursedCTF
29 N0R37urn excellent geoint's challenges
29 Quackers711 Best CTF of the year!
29 muntasirarin really really cursed
29 salvatore.abello I agree with Titto.
28 Divsonar-Holden So cursed
24 toasterpwn I traded a Tshirt for a flag. ???
29 Titto Real shit
29 Yokoso really cursed ctf
29 Lelle the level of cursedness in this event was truly impressive. Even the impossible and 27 geoguessr problems don't do the cursedness justice
29 hel-makh very cursed challs, loved it
29 chillz Perfectly cursed, just as advertised
29 12throckyou If there was an ISO for CTFs, it should be based on this.
29 obmium it was cursed
29 meme-lord cursed as advertised