Voting ended at: March 23, 2024, 9 p.m.

Weight after voting: 34.82 / 37.500

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


35 b0br4nks fun ctf, very well organized, balanced challenges, +writeups, thanks ! on sera là pour le prochain

37 subfear Nb, gl

31 poniponiponiponiponiponiponi High quality beginner friendly ctf. Very good pwn but wasn't hard. Only two trivial revs. :( The misc/osint/stegano was hit or miss.

35 keeper772 Challanging tasks.

37 kekburger fun ctf!

37 4n86rakam1 great CTF

37 gusyaross good tasks, stable infra, fast responsiveness, and right-hand writeups are published. It is clear that they tried with all their heart

34 kerszi Great Polish CTF. The tasks were difficult, but they were also doable.

36 C15C01337 noice

30 fenlya Very balanced challenges, nice support team!

34 john228 Pretty nice

26 kerszi cool