Voting ended at: June 16, 2024, 1:37 p.m.
Weight after voting: 23.15 / 25.0
Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.
25 0xMatthias Good infra, fun challenges, awesome.
25 _drekos
25 MrAlphaQ .
25 Ishayu hard
22 Logos17 awesome
25 l0mb4rd crypto was fun
25 l0mb4rd crypto was fun
25 9x14S Maximum 140 characters. All fields are mandatory.
25 d3vnull .
25 ziadstr nice challs
25 amoor22 good challenges
25 nebilx nice ctf good job guys
25 safareto free palestine.
25 Harasisco .
25 rev._ good chal
25 ckc9759 Nice ctf !
25 leo Great thanx!!!
25 ahh fun web
25 sudlit nice
23 0x1337SN The CTF was really good with various challenges from different categories
25 0u4d13 Really good and fun CTF
25 i5mai1 free palestine!
25 elliop_sh _--;----
25 InnerVoid free palestine ??
1 vtopan Please keep propaganda out of CTFs.
25 thomillion123 Decent although very over politicized
25 elliop_sh The CTF was really good with various challenges from different categories, I can't wait to play next year's edition.
25 Korkiii IDF ON TOP + who puts brute force in forensics???
25 Tit@n Nice challenge
25 anhshidou Really indeed ctf event. Nice challenge
25 N0R37urn great
25 G48r1eL
25 ap3nst0r Great CTF! Learned a ton!
15 bquanman not realistic forensics; very very bad osint, not logic
25 cudiph pwn fun!
25 0x31763074 very fun challs
25 zeptoide great ctf
25 ibrahimdouni.evil It was an actual fun challenge, worth it.
25 _drekos
25 0xnil Had so much fun, really good rev/misc challs !
14 CygnusX-26 Good rev + misc, osint (especially valorant one) was extremely guessy, web had some interesting chals i guess...
25 Hexagon01 really enjoyed this ctf
23 M4LLOC_X Really good and fun CTF
25 Broder good challenge
25 MuslimFromPk Nice One!
25 C3TUS 6
25 InnerVoid nice challs
25 N0R37urn excellent chall
25 AhnMaph it's great to learn
25 SpeedyCyclone amazing
25 Adarshkrdubay Good
25 Aryt3 Good CTF
25 suvoni Good CTF! Nice challs and good organizers. Make more hardware challs next year pls!
25 ph4n7 great challenges, friendly staff, stable infra.
25 Kaiser784 good CTF
25 0x157 Great CTF, awesome challenges, good infra.