Voting ended at: Jan. 28, 2024, 3 p.m.

Weight after voting: 24.59 / 25.0

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


25 TheAlpha16 Pretty decent

25 k.eii its fun!

25 4rUN Nice challs

23 nagabonor nice CTF

25 RJCyber fun ctf. good quality challs

25 d33znu75 nice

25 Abends2 good web challenges

25 N0R37urn Good

20 whiterobber not bad

25 Dimas_Maulana Great CTF and greate Challenge

25 Onirique really good ctf

25 kroonstaar great beginner ctf

25 LiamoOo my emoji disappeared :(

25 LiamoOo Great CTF ?

25 hartmannsyg k

25 SeaDragnoL good pwn challenges

25 skat There were some good challenges that I enjoyed. Obviously not a perfect event but mostly still good.

25 1v0t great challenges

25 RaindropBreeze Nice pwns

25 chample Good CTF for both beginners and regular participants in such competitions

20 turboD13sel Not bad CTF for beginners

25 paulie42 Good CTF, not as easy as declared, no issues.

15 overllama Great CTF, but it pretty hard for being broadcast as a beginner CTF. They probably had 2 or 3 beginner challs

20 0xTiix 1337

25 havel29 Good challs

25 HIGHer Top tier CTF for beginner CTFers

25 HIGHer Top tier CTF for beginner CTFers

25 OnlyEnZ404 Interesting challenges and nice support.

25 amir303 Nice challs and good supporting

25 SafaSafari .

25 tyr0x It was fun

25 Gorzoid Didn't have a lot of time on this one but the crypto + re challenges were tough, the ones I solved were fun enough.

25 RezaSi Great CTF for beginners

25 literide Топ стф всем зашло

25 Cli-ish Decent ctf, wasm as a web challenge should be prohibited :D

25 niristius very fun. clean operation.

25 wxx6 thanks for all chall

25 Aftalik nice

25 _g0at_ good

25 clowncs cool

25 GanbaruTobi Crypto was good

25 bliutech Loved that it was designed with a focus for beginners but had a few really thoughtful challenges. Another great CTF from the ASIS team!

25 Cyb0rgSw0rd Great work, good infra

25 Fermat good

24 foodelevator Only played for about 1.5 hours so didn't look at that much, but it had some nice beginner friendly rev:s

25 Brunton Good, had no issues

25 Emil_Olesen No issues and great challenges

25 d33znu75 nice

25 Tit@n Excellent challenge

25 chonkyNyan brain is tampered

25 Nightxade nice

25 ctfguy nice challs

25 9x14S Cool CTF

25 nisaruj good ctf

25 daffainfo Nice challs

25 jwp22 nice ctf for newbie

25 Totoro0952 good ctf for newbies

25 subfear 1337

25 Mar13 PLC PLC PLC!

25 duckl1ng good