Voting ended at: Sept. 11, 2023, noon

Weight after voting: 24.27 / 25.0

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


25 ctfguy Decent ctf with, beginner friendly challenges.

25 vjz3r fun

25 RikiS great ctf

25 topitdon fun

25 TheAlpha16 good for beginners

25 pi3 Some nice challenges

25 rootxran Good ctf

25 Cyb0rgSw0rd :)

25 RikiS fun

25 L0sz3r the good ctf competition for beginner

22 ---- fun

25 XerwinXpl nice to play

25 SadeghTb nice ctf with good challenges

22 VIELITE fun ctf

25 mapol nice ctf

25 darthlazius The challs were very intriguing

10 ckc9759 Have a discord server next time, difficult to reach out ! Good challenges nevertheless

18 blackpearl Decent ctf

8 blackpearl Decent ctf

25 tselmuuuun Nice fun tasks

25 Akinari ok

25 RJCyber fun ctf

25 aksden Nice tasks

25 rhizobium Saw some new kind of challenges, really fun

25 EAliakbar Diverse Challenges, Wished There was more crypto ones, I really enjoyed them

25 Cyb0rgSw0rd Good work

25 wizard_alfredo .

25 Schizo_Boy Well done, great CTF. Waiting the the writups specially the onions one. Thank you.

25 l0st_idi0t Fun

25 TheEyeLid t'was gr8

25 amyasnikov Nice CTF

25 kucka_mowku Good

25 0v3rCl0kEd I loved the web but rev was disappointing. I was expecting more than just APKs...

24 0xDoge Rev could have been better and I wish they had released challenges a bit earlier, but overall pretty good


25 mist110 good ctf

25 wongyos Fun

25 thek0der Great CTF. Challenges were of all difficulty types (mostly easy), but I would expect more than just APKs when it comes to Rev.

25 karlos what was the solution of the void?? insta dm: mdmrrr.34

25 merlin777k great CTF Game !