Voting ended at: Oct. 30, 2023, midnight

Weight after voting: 89.85 / 100.0

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


100 poiko very good and very hard. platform a little slow at times but no big deal

100 rg27 nice

88 Schizo_Boy Very difficult but also interesting, ill come up with more skills next edition

100 RetrO-hash ggs

80 Loora1N gg

100 4n86rakam1 It was hard but I learned so much!

100 nightxade hard

7 It3rator_I_bar3ly_know_h3r Absolutely way too difficult. A lattice attack is not a warmup problem. Janky proprietary platform too.

100 N0R37urn Excellent ctf, good platform

96 bawolff Some great challenges. platform was a little janky with some network instability, but not too terrible. prefer if actual dockers were includ

85 XeR downloader: rm -rf $HOME is *never* ok ; laravel: why do you give away a Dockerfile if it's not the one deployed ? (diff path and perms)

100 crazyman nice chal

100 ha1c9on good challenge and good platform

100 0xdaidai nice game.