Voting ended at: Aug. 13, 2023, 8:07 p.m.

Weight after voting: 11.23 / 25.0

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


15 afan0918 could be better organized

1 SummerPlat awful infra

1 rigamarole Stolen challenges

25 Zyoteman except for first few hours, the challenges were fun and interesting

25 sumukhchitloor18 Good ctf. Learnt a lot

22 Sagar_holmes Some challenges were really good

1 Akinari Sorry to say this is worst ctf. At first, I was excited but when i found out drama, i became a bad mood to continue it.

4 franfill Didn't like the challenges. A lot of them were stolen

25 wh1t3ros3 good but some stolen challenges and changing binaries many times during the event

2 LilliePlant Stolen challenges and organizers banned people.

20 LucienLassalle Improvements are possible. The choice of categories for certain challenges were not the best. However I note the good responsiveness.

10 overllama Stolen chals, awful infra, but some fun ones mixed in there

1 AlienX A total shite event, first the organizers couldnt handle their own platform, then they copied the challs

10 Cyberc0re Lost interest after that incident :)

25 darthlazius for the efforts

12 feasto Yoinked challs + ~10 stego

20 r4j4_rj good ctf, but there were problems with the questions and so many assumptions by the authors..TOO GUESSY

22 sumukhchitloor18 meh

15 RJCyber Some challenges were ok, but mostly guessy

3 LangeManV1 Fun ctf, could be better organized

12 ckc9759 Second half was good, first half could be done better in upcoming years !

1 Kappa56799 Worst Ctf, changing files mid ctf and stealing challenges.

1 z0x Worst ctf ever. Stolen challenges, laggy website, replacing entire binaries right during ctf. Avoid at all cost

10 notmari Nice CTF, but there were many issues with the website and some challenges...

1 LexNastin Bunch of stolen challenges ?

25 tetramur14 I'll just leave this field w/out comment

20 ohlesl1e i had fun and learned some new things. there were issues with some challenges tho

25 gusyaross why not

25 lucky624 no comments)

1 Eoin Stole a number of challenges from previous CTFs. They tried to cover up in discord by muting, kicking and banning those who called them out

25 D0pp3lgang3r Just a nice CTF

1 12throckyou stole challenges from other CTFs :(

1 c99 Worst CTF ever.

19 whitesombrero The ctf was fine, I think most challenges where fun, The difficult rating was a bit off like others mentioned. easy's being a kinda hard and