Voting ended at: June 15, 2023, 10 p.m.

Weight after voting: 60.35 / 61.575

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


61 Titto Short source codes but unique vulnerabilities (web)

59 bquanman good

61 RezaSi Greate

61 SplitUnknown Cool

61 _k0imet Cool challs

61 momo21 good

61 HSUHSU Great

61 thanguyen165 fun ctf

61 Sorc nice

61 andr3s Nice & beginner friendly

61 dp_1 algo was unexpected but fun

61 C3TUS ٩(- ̮̮̃-̃)۶

50 RJCyber odd timing to host a CTF (weekdays), but the challs we looked at were fun

61 captainB Good one

61 jpalayoor very cool ctf

61 Iderected great ctf

61 sudlit Beginner Friendly

56 crazyman good chal but some of are weriod


61 mrxbox98 Loved the ctf. Especially the web challs and pyjail

61 Angmar nice

61 larrypir2 algo ctf ong