Voting ended at: July 26, 2023, 12:59 a.m.

Weight after voting: 24.54 / 25.0

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


25 Toadytop Decent challenges, good quantity for length of ctf

25 r1v3nch Nice one !

25 MikiVirus too ez

25 solaris0141 nice

25 rx0f Nice

25 lolipop Amazing ?

25 tavor Nice ctf

25 psawo nice one

25 Roellik Wery good

25 lolipop Amazing ?

25 itskarudo fun ctf

25 krixov Some challs was a bit guessy but good overall

25 psawo nice one

25 DiegoAltF4 it was fun.

25 BBQ The challenge were good overall

25 ckc9759 It was fun.

25 catmilk Good ctf

25 zAbuQasem Some challs was a bit guessy but good overall

25 zAbuQasem Some challs was a bit guessy but good overall

25 kevinn Great CTF

25 BraydenPikachu Great ctf overall some challenges could be guessy but overall pretty good

25 TheFlash2k good challs. some were guessy tho.

25 Vague Good CTF, nice thought out chals, some a little guessy tho.

25 abdullahzamir good challenges, some were guessy

22 Quackers711 Generally fun CTF but had some quite guessy challs

23 itsteutatas Nice ctf with little to no problems on infrastructure but some challs was abit to guessy

23 MOR14R7Y good ctf, had fun but but some challs were just not good ( had to guess everything ) but enjoyed overall

25 skuuk fun challenges and good infra

25 merlin777k was difficult but fun. had some adventures in rev

25 theredstone496 much time and much challenges

25 foobarian unique and intriguing chals (that i didnt solve) also archived best osint chal

25 cakularity good crypto

25 Seebusch good content

25 Pseudoleon Enjoyable

25 NZT Cool

25 West noice

25 Titto US high-schoolers are cracked y'all are dei folli. With the original duration of 4 days it would've been the perfect CTF

23 0xleft very nice amazing challenges even tho some were guessy

25 Capo80 some very cool challenges

25 letmewin amazing CTF, but I think that the duration should be 2 or 3 days

25 magicfrank Molto bella

25 TheGriffyn its amazing

25 Loldemort Very nice

25 vahid79@ Cool event

25 0xEpitome nice one

25 _k0imet smooth

25 dp_1

25 whoisthatguy good challege ! but so looonggg

25 dryy Cool event, challs were amateur enough. Not a single challenge felt guessy.

25 RezaSi Perfect

25 aaalviny good, fun, with a large variety of challenges

25 m44lr0m good ctf

25 m44lr0m good ctf

25 yahlialton Very cool CTF!

25 r4j4_rj pretty good challenges and an overall amazing experience. But 5 days is too long for a CTF ig

25 PeaceRanger The best CTF for me so far this year. I did the pwns and man! they're just amazing. Had real fun solving those challenges and learned a lot!

25 nosurf Good CTF

11 Dev_vj1 Team_VALHALLA happy to participate next year ?

25 Ayanokouji nice CTF

25 x86trace Dub

25 abdula_2fal well

25 flocto i will make more balanced rev next time guys

25 0x31763074 good ctf

25 kn1gh7 Newer kind of challenges..really well done

2 kn1gh7 Newer kind of challenges..really well done CTF

25 hartmannsyg The challenges are interesting

25 quasar0147 Larry, if you see this, smh excuse me and guessctf, but def > 25/100. I would say at least a 40/50

25 quasar0147 Larry, if you see this, smh excuse me and guessctf, but def > 25/100. I would say at least a 40/50

25 subosc This was an incredibly well done CTF! A little guessy but did not ruin it at all.

25 jaydens

25 Halston goodctf

25 _sn0w_ was a lot of fun, bit of guessing but overall nice

25 crazyman fun ctf

25 jpalayoor very cool challenges, loved the legality chall

25 poniponiponiponiponiponiponi loved it, super fun and hard for a highschool ctf, some guessy challs but didnt ruined the experience

25 RJCyber fun ctf

25 RJCyber fun ctf

25 elicot Very good ctf, so many intersted tasks. I want to participate again

25 pigadoor good ctf

25 neilk good but some guess, larry why make guessy chall