Voting ended at: May 7, 2023, 6 a.m.

Weight after voting: 48.25 / 55.500

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


55 fsharp Very cool and fun challenges! None were guessy and some of the pwn challenges I've solved were creative with exploits.

55 abdoghazy Good

55 crazyman nice chal

55 Hailegebriel Good

25 th1k4n Quite easy in some chals. Fun CTF

55 nimblemutt Great challenges. Not too easy, not too hard and some quite creative!

55 varnokk Good

55 N1GGA cool

30 Minei3oat Nice CTF with interesting and beginner friendly challenges but also some challenges for intermediate players.

45 e1profesor Solid; interesting challenges; good learning opportunities. There's room for improvement and I believe the next edition will be even better.

55 0xhunter213

55 nu11pointer ;

55 Noped_ zaebis menad

29 Jazper Good challenges

35 h4ckd0tm3 Nice Challenges