Voting ended at: Aug. 1, 2022, 3:59 a.m.

Weight after voting: 33.53 / 35.805

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


35 Nitros__ great

35 aadit.ambadkar :p

35 WalrusRamen21 OFZ

35 stuckin414141 decent challenges, good infrastructure.

28 WalrusRamen21 LIT orz tyger orz everyone OTZ

35 MrNo0ne Great challenges with a good variety of topics and difficulties

29 G0d_0f_D34th Nice CTF!

20 Nissen Good variation of difficulty. Many decent challs but also many way too miscy/guessy chals with little to do with cybersec. Issues with infra

35 Nitros__ Great

35 sf_t4ng0 Great CTF. Thanks!

35 flocto really good ctf, some challenges were guessy but staff was very friendly and nice! also infra was not bad

35 hvn Fun and good chals

33 zeosutt most were good

35 bit I learned a lot, good CTF

35 Hailegebriel Good CTF for all skill levels

35 Solopie Challenges were well made and there were plenty of them to do so lots to learn!

34 kukuxumushi Nice entry level challenges. Funny. Lack of guessing. Minor problems with the uptime.


35 Jopraveen Nice CTF

35 Maggotty good variety of challs, excellent infra

35 cx18 fun challs

34 sahuang Many high quality challenges, enjoyed a lot :)

35 Bornunique911 Awesome challenges and awesome CTF so far.