Voting ended at: Feb. 20, 2022, 3 p.m.
Weight after voting: 40.17 / 64.620
Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.
55 p4w bit of guess, but nice ctf
14 j3seer the challenges are nice but too guessy
45 FeDEX
18 snydej2 None of the challenges that I attempted were very enjoyable or interesting to me.
10 crazyman no comment
64 A4AM An enjoyable CTF that wasn't easy.
5 jnovikov A lot of guessing & ucucuga in the challenges, some challenges were a reuse from other CTFs. Voting that low to counter-react.
21 SuperFashi Not that good.
64 Q5Ca gmaf
64 Q5Ca gmaf
28 nxhoang99 guessy
23 Leslato guessing
13 bawolff Challenges were guessy and not interesting. Some infra was less than stable, website was confusing
40 downgraded solid infrastructure and challenges were mostly fun, but a bit too much guessing and not super difficult
20 kh0kh0 Way too guessy with not guessy parts being easy. I don't like spending day on a challenge and in the end learn nothing new.
20 Zedd No comments
1 bteam Volf is bad author, his challenges (forensics) are really bad, not interesting
4 bteam Volf is bad author, his challenges (forensics) are really bad, not interesting
9 jnovikov A lot of guessing & ucucuga in the challenges, some challenges were a reuse from other CTFs. Voting that low to counter-react.
53 sahuang Some really guessy challs, however most challs are fun and admin is quite supportive. Rating scales with difficulty a bit.
64 DummyH .
33 q3st1on REMINDER: rating is about difficulty not your personal enjoyment. get outta here with those 64 ratings.
64 nytr0gen great web challenges
64 cieran some were guessy, but great challs and infra was good
64 tacbliw good ctf; i like it :100:
64 Hellsender Nice
64 Al1enX Fun and challenging ctf, just a few guessy challenges but overall quality is great!
64 xNULL Some challenges were a little guessy. All in all super fun CTF!
64 nth2579 awsome, :100:
64 satanon2k1 1
64 satanon2k1 .
59 crazyman -5 for some guessey challenge,some crypto and rev are great