Voting ended at: Feb. 6, 2022, noon

Weight after voting: 21.38 / 25.0

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


24 jnovikov -1 point for guessing

20 Redford Some challs were ok, but some were just guessing (hopytal, I'm looking at you). Longer feedback:

25 pomo_mondreganto nice

20 molenzwiebel bit too guessy

25 sylv Nice work!

25 j3seer this ctf is heavier than my chonky cat :c

25 Bonus Challenges I looked at were superb, but I've heard really bizarre stories from my teammates about other challenges.

25 serioton really enjoyed this ctf

25 vient nice ctf, 60/100

20 zeosutt Nice CTF except guessy part.

22 Amendil Nice challs, great difficulty and interesting exploits. However some guessy part and weird behavior happened on very few challenges.

20 WGH Pretty nice, a bit guessy though.

25 thebish0p Fun CTF really enjoyed it

25 Simon381 very fun CTF, especially pwn

5 Limesss some pwn challs are good ,but bad challs more than good challs.

25 Hellsender Nice work

25 mkg Really nice CTF! Good quality challenges, difficult

20 tacbliw pwn challs are pretty good, i heard of guessy challs from other teammates.

2 sqrtrev Guessy, A chall required bruteforce(admin official) and I did. But I got banned. Also, admins LOOK DOWN ON PLAYERS LMAO

15 Mem2019 Problem of this CTF: 1. Guessy 2. Points of some challenges are not well-designed, this makes player waste much time

15 crazyman guesser CTF but like misc challenge but rev challenge

25 Leslato Very fun CTF

25 nielsing Overall a well organized CTF. Admins were quick to fix issues. Crypto challs were little crypto and more web/rev focused.

21 kh0kh0 If you ignore the guessing parts challenges actually taught some stuff. Minus points for guessing tho.

17 bawolff Not terrible, but the web challenges were really guessy, and hsts was misconfigured on the site

25 Leoo Great and hard challenges

20 Dysnome Great CTF, some of the challenge were really hard, and some of them were easy.

18 parrot lol some guessy webs but one of them was good. the one which had source code.

23 sahuang Overall nice challs with mixed categories. One or two challs are a bit guessy but overall great CTF

25 meithecatte The challenges I looked into were very fun and interesting.

1 Mem2019 Challenges are guessy, low-quality, and waste-of-time. e.g. method for LoadMe was correct but failed due to internet