Voting ended at: Dec. 26, 2021, 3 p.m.
Weight after voting: 100.00 / 100.0
Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.
100 JaGoTu As always very interesting and very hard but fair challenges
100 r4j nice
100 Redford Very hard and interesting challenges, no guessing involved
100 parrot Good webs
100 stuckin414141 Interesting and hard challs.
100 KyleForkBomb very hard and fun challenges, servers very stable
1 KyleForkBomb too much php
100 J08nY Hard crypto challenges, very enjoyable!
100 richyliu very difficult and realistic challenges
100 qxxxb Super hard
100 Nspace One of the best events of the year. Hard, but also enjoyable. I hope that there will be a CCC edition again next year :)
100 borysp Das zahjebischti CTF
100 defund geez
70 J08nY Hard crypto challenges.
100 sqrtrev actually super hard CTF