Voting ended at: July 28, 2021, 2 p.m.

Weight after voting: 22.58 / 25.0

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


25 M4ndU good

25 psycholog1st ..

20 fariss Enjoyed playing. Great support on Discord.

25 Senduz good CTF

25 downeg Good CTF

25 MajorReactiv Good

25 Necron3574 nice ctf

25 OreoMonster nice

25 victim1307 good

25 leedskanin ki tetnak lbagra fel kouri bayna lfellah yetnak fi darou

1 klarz Stolen challenges again, they have done this every single CTF. See I was banned for pointing this out

1 klarz Stolen challenges again, they have done this every single CTF. See was banned for pointing this out.

25 express Good CTF

25 brz Good CTF

25 Mr.R00T Good CTF

25 bteam good ctf

25 bteam

25 Oxygen I played all CTF in this year, and every time chalange better and harder

25 MOR14R7Y Was fun but challenges were guessy but understandable due to outsourced fault. Also admins should understand challenges better themselves

25 reAether Fun challenges

25 Cli-ish Salt of grain was the stolen ctfs which where outsourced to cybertalent. But the ctf Hoster promised a change. Check it for the next ctf.

25 voynz It was fun. Thanks to SecureBug!

25 OreoMonster good ctf